Jules Bordet Institute
Website : www.bordet.be
An integrated, multidisciplinary centre unique in Belgium, the Jules Bordet Institute is an independent hospital devoted entirely to cancerous illnesses. It performs both screening and clinical care tasks, conducts research activities and provides high-level academic instruction. The harmonious cooperation between these three types of activities conveys an original aspect and an important winning asset in the approach to the disease.
L'originalité de la pratique oncologique à l'Institut Bordet réside dans la réelle multidisciplinarité des The originality of the oncological practice at the Bordet Institute lies in the multidisciplinary nature of the therapeutic approaches, reinforced by the single file for each patient used by all the care providers, irrespective of their specialisation. This file will follow the patient during his or her consultations and hospitalisations and will gather all the information concerning him or her. As soon as a diagnosis is made, treatment decisions are taken by common agreement after a collective brainstorming by and between surgeons, radiotherapists and specialists, using the most modern therapeutic techniques.
Contemporary cancerology has managed to make progress thanks to intense research in the laboratory, but also in the clinic. The “Clinical Research and Investigation Laboratory” consequently conducts basic research, especially in haematology, breast cancerology, melanoma, lung cancer, etc. – activities that have led to hundreds of scientific contributions recognised for their quality on an international scale. But one fundamental aspect of the Jules Bordet Institute is the close integration of research in oncological practice, which entails that clinical research is constantly present in the care provided to patients by their doctors. Many of these clinical research programmes are carried out in cooperation with national or international centres, in particular under the aegis of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) which was for that matter founded at the Institute Bordet in 1964.
On the academic front and for missions entrusted to it by the ULB, the Jules Bordet Institute is appreciated for the quality of graduate and post graduate instruction it provides. The institute thus trains several oncologists every year who will subsequently engage in this area of specialisation in the country’s hospitals, as well as young researchers who will return to their respective centres to capitalise on the expertise acquired at the Institute.
JULES BORDET INSTITUTE - Boulevard de Waterloo 121 - 1000 Bruxelles
Telephone : 02 541 30 00
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