Our Hospitals




The iris network plays a decisive role – chiefly for the ULB (French-speaking University of Brussels) but also for the VUB (Dutch-speaking University of Brussels) and European universities through the Erasmus programme, in training students for medicine and young doctors in specialised medicine.

In paediatrics and cancer, the two specialised public hospitals in Brussels (the Children’s Hospital HUDERF and Jules Bordet Institute) provide a unique, multidisciplinary training crucible that comprises tertiary health programmes but also research programmes plus the critical masses that constitute the bases for exciting, future-oriented teaching. New actors in these fields are moreover being constantly recruited among the best graduates.

The network has nothing to be ashamed of in other fields either (Saint-Pierre and Brugmann Academic Medical Centres, iris South Hospitals): internal medicine, surgery, radiology, clinical biology in particular; numerous teachers and internship supervisors devote their energies daily to this task of exchange and of passing the torch when it comes to teaching at the patient’s bedside.

Our network boasts a large number of multidisciplinary teams composed of seasoned, particularly competent professionals in tertiary medicine, including renal impairment and dialysis, (adult and paediatric) reanimation, or medical and surgical cardiology. These teams distinguish themselves also in heavy and liaison psychiatry or perinatology which embodies the ever so remarkable work between obstetricians and neonatologists.

In dermatology, ophthalmology, stomatology or ORL, our services have developed advanced care techniques and fruitful links, such as those of ORL and neurophysiology for example, to stir young doctors undergoing training to undertake to write a doctoral thesis and thus acquire an academic profile which is essential for the future development of the network.

To support teaching, our hospitals have developed foundations that have made it financially possible to provide years of research - an essential part for the status of the iris network in the training of first rate researchers and for scientific activity of international scope.

Our network includes also a nursing and paramedic school particularly active in teaching future hospital staff, but also for the continuous training of their colleagues and patients.

The iris network comprises a sizeable number of internship supervisors, tenured professors, and paramedical schools, which makes it possible to treat patients from every walk of life with the highest healthcare standards.

Finally, a large number of seminars and conferences are organised in the network every year, not only internally but also for external healthcare professionals and patients to provide more information on diseases, their treatment and the way patients are treated in the network.


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